Faith and Work Webinar Series: Church Sociology

Thursday, December 7, 2023

12:00–1:00 PM CT

Our work was never intended to be transactional. It was designed to be transformative. Since the beginning of creation, God has invited us to co-labor with him in all he has created. Scripture testifies that we were called to work for his glory. What does his divine design for our work mean for us today?

In this webinar, we will consider how our work is worship when done for God's purposes and glory. We will discuss a biblical framework of work and consider how our work extends beyond our weekday occupation to all aspects of our ministry and life.

Faith and Work: Church Sociology 

In this Faith & Work webinar, we will examine the rich theological foundations that underscore the Christian approach to seeing and engaging the world. We aim to equip Christians with a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith, work, and sociology and consider this interconnectivity from a distinctly Christian perspective. We will explore the ways our faith influences our social engagement as well as how cultural influences the Church. Hear from leading Christian sociologists how they see the Church actively participating in the transformation of society by applying biblical principles to sociological challenges. Join us as we discuss practical ways to address how Christians can better engage social issues, promote unity and foster reconciliation in our communities, workplaces, and world.  


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